In every industry, several problems frequently recur. The construction and development industry is no different. You can’t always stop the issues from happening, but you can work on reducing their frequency.

Lack of Skilled Workers
This industry is dangerous, and there is no mistake about that. A lot can go wrong on a construction site, and adequately trained people know how to avoid those dangers. However, there always seems to be a lack of skilled workers, and that is plain inconvenient. It slows down the project as you need to find qualified workers or train up new workers. So, what can you do about that? Well, you can solve those issues in a few different ways.

Why not get in contact with the local high schools as well as the local colleges and offer a mentorship program? They are often looking for work in the summer months, so why not take advantage? Have apprenticeship programs if you are a large enough outfit. This opportunity allows you to get the trained workers you need and builds a sense of loyalty in them to want to work for you over other people.

Recruitment Agency
Why not use a recruitment agency to find the workers you need? You can find agencies specialised in the areas you need to cover. They can also get in touch with anyone on file who fits the profile you are looking for.

When something goes wrong on a project, often it is because of the lack of communication. There are some pretty simple ways to resolve this issue. The main one is that almost everyone has a phone on them, why not create group chats for the various kinds of workers you employ? Email, call and text your worker’s frequently, so everyone knows what they need to get done.

Unreliable Sub Contractors
For some jobs, you need to subcontract out, such as plumbing and electricity. However, how do you find a reliable one? Hiring an unreliable worker only puts you in a tough spot because it means some unfinished work in time. You will struggle to keep the deadline and make your clients happy. How to resolve this? Why not have a word with your suppliers and other subcontractors you have worked with before? They usually know who will do a good job and who will not. Remember to ensure that all subcontractors are properly licenced.

There are a lot of other problems that frequently recur in the construction and development industry. Suppose you are looking for a development company that knows how to handle these issues. Why not try us at Nevill Development? To find out more, visit our website at, email us at or give us a call on 01206 700 124.